Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 4: Srs bsns.

I've just turned in my first to-be-graded assignment of the year!  It's for my stress class, and it's a 1000-word critical appraisal of a journal article of my choosing.  It's only worth 20% of my total grade and is meant to get everyone back in writing shape for the Serious Business term papers start coming due in December...but I'm still antsy about it!

While I'm on the subject, I should mention that they grade things differently here than they do in the States.
70-100 = A
60-69 = B
50-59 = C
40-49 = D
<40 = F

Now, before anyone goes "So anything passing in the States is an A in Britain HOW EASY IS THAT," I have been advised that I will never, ever receive a mark above an 80.  Ever.  Why they don't just make 80 the highest possible mark, rather than 100, has not been satisfactorily explained to me.  But anyway, the thing to is to add 20 points to whatever mark I get here, in order to approximate what it would be in the US.  As in the US, a D is only sorta-kinda-but-not-really passing.  In fact, it's defined as "passing at a Postgrad Diploma level, but not a Masters level."

SO.  We'll soon see if my academic writing is still up to snuff!

Cheers, y'all.

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