Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ohai seasonal depression! So nice of you to show up at the most inconvenient time!

My updates have been sporadic lately.  We're up to nearly 17 hours of darkness each day, and my motivation has been dwindling with the daylight.  All the motivation that I still have is being channeled into writing papers, and I just hope I can keep it together until they're all done.

I've been having difficulty getting up in the morning for weeks, but for the last week or so I've also been having trouble falling asleep, due to my hypervigilance over the mice.  (At this point I have given up all hope of the problem getting resolved and am looking for a new apartment.  I still need to investigate the legalities of breaking the lease, but it's happening one way or another.)  And for the past couple of days I've been going back and forth between wanting to throw things, wanting to yell at someone, and wanting to cry.  My flatmate Tomas thinks I've completely lost my mind and basically told me so last night, which made me feel ever so much better.

I just want to finish these papers and go home, where there is sunshine and people who love me.

Cheers, y'all.

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