Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Taking charge!

I lay awake for quite a while last night, worrying about the three papers I have due within the next month, and about my finances, which I have just plain not been keeping track of.  And in the last 24 hours, I have made some decisions:

I am going to have the stress paper and literature search paper done or nearly done by the end of this month, so that I'll have two full weeks to devote solely to the paper for my third class, which is the longest paper I have to write and which is worth 100% of my grade for that class (so I CANNOT SCREW IT UP).

If I somehow manage to finish all my papers with time to spare, then I'll take a quick trip to Mull, Iona, and Staffa before leaving for the States on December 17. That'll be my motivating carrot to finish my papers in good time.

Starting next Monday, I am going to withdraw 50 pounds from my bank account every Monday, and that will be my money to spend that week on groceries, going out, phone minutes, bus fare, and everything. Leftover money can be rolled over from week to week, but when it's gone, it's gone - I can't spend any more money until the following Monday. (This of course does not apply to my rent, which is paid by direct debit anyway.) If I can adhere to this, I'll be able to live on the funds currently at my disposal, without getting a job, until next summer.

And, GO!

Cheers, y'all.

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