Sunday, May 27, 2012


Research owns my life right now.  By June 7, I will have done more work and more writing than I've done all year.  Mostly, I did not realize how time-consuming transcribing the interviews would be.  An hour-long interview equals 20 pages, and takes at least four hours to transcribe, more if the interviewee is a rapid talker.  Yesterday's interview ran over 100 minutes, with a very rapid and animated talker.  I got loads of interesting information out of it, but it is going to be BITCH to transcribe.  I'm also about 2 days behind in my transcriptions at the moment.  I know that if I get really up a creek with it, I can enlist help...but it's something of a point of pride to get all this done by myself.  Plus, there's a lot of value in hearing oneself speak, and in getting as well-acquainted with one's data as one does whilst transcribing it oneself, and I'm reluctant to give that up.

It's going to be a challenge to see all the people I want to see and do all the things I want to do on this visit.  This is compounded by the fact that my car broke shortly before I got here, so I'm sharing cars with my parents, which takes some planning.  I went to the beach last weekend, and I want to go again next weekend, which may prove problematic because my aunt, cousin, and a few of their friends are using the house there next weekend (but I'm definitely going to pull the "it's my house and I'm not going to see it again this side of Christmas" card on that one).  I would also kind of like to see my brother's new digs in the Charlotte area, but the likelihood of that seems remote at the moment.

I thought three weeks would be plenty of time, but I'm seeing the reasoning behind my supervisor's question, "Is that going to be enough time for you to visit?" more and more each day.

Cheers, y'all.

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