Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Assessments: Spring 2012 edition

Due Thursday (i.e. tomorrow): Team Dynamics paper.  4000 words.  Current word count: 1154.

Due next Thursday (the 12th): Peak Performance paper.  4000 words.  Raw materials basically in place, but paper not yet started.

Due the following Monday (the 16th): Research Proposal.  2500 words.  Broad idea in place, still needs considerable refining.  Paper not yet started.

I don't think I shed tears over any assignments last term, but it might happen this time around, because this team dynamics paper is not coming together how I want it to.  It reads like BS, and that is DANGEROUS, because if it reads like BS to me, it will definitely read like BS to the professors.  And there is precious little time left to fix it.  I'm also worried about the research proposal, because that thing matters like nothing else and I haven't done nearly enough reading for it, and I'm also running out of time to rectify that situation.

I look back at my undergrad days, when I routinely wrote papers the day before they were due, and I am astonished.  How on earth did I do it?  But then I realize the difference: While undergrad papers counted for at most 30% of my grade, each of these papers counts for 100% of my mark in their respective classes.  That is not a typo.  I cannot fuck any of these papers up.  AT ALL.

Cheers, y'all.

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