Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Assessments: Complete!

All spring assessments are now turned in, and I am one masters thesis away from having another degree!  I got to RELAX today for the first time in ages, and it felt good.  Now I just have to hope that I did reasonably well on everything.

I decided I wanted that flat I saw on Saturday badly enough to take a leap of faith as far as August goes, and made the "I want your room call" today.  And someone had beaten me to it.  I'm really disappointed.  I've seen mice in the kitchen twice in the last two weeks, and I'm pretty sure I saw one in my room the other night, although it was out of the corner of my eye so I'm not 100% certain.  Thank goodness it was shooting out the door rather than in, or I would have gotten no sleep that night.  The sink is full of Vicki and Callum's dishes, two eyes of the stove are occupied by whatever it was they were cooking last night, and there's various detritus on the counter.  And a certain telltale odor is emanating from their room.  Part of me is saying, "It would only take one phone call to the leasing agent to get them in serious trouble, maybe even thrown out," but another part doesn't want to be a tattle-tale.  Oy.  The knowledge that I'm going to be away from this flat for a good bit of May and June is my main consolation at the moment.

In more cheerful news, my mom gets here tomorrow, and my uncle and grandmother get here the day after!  You know you're a grad student when the first thought that pops into your head concerning a visit from family is not, "Oh, it's going to be so good to see them," or, "I can't wait to show them around the city I now call home," but is instead, "I AM GOING TO EAT SO MUCH FOOD!"

Cheers, y'all.

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