Sunday, April 29, 2012

The last two weeks, in summary.

I will post a much longer entry later, but for now, here is the Reader's Digest version of the last two weeks:

Visit with family was grand, but all in all I was glad to see the back of them this morning. Grammy seems her age (nearly 85) for possibly the first time in my memory: her mobility and stamina are dwindling and I am painfully aware that if I want to visit Hawaii solo to see her, it needs to be sooner rather than later. Stonehenge is terribly overrated, Bath is not. Monmouth, Penallt, and the Wye Valley area are all extremely picturesque, while Cardiff may be the most unsightly city I have ever seen. I HAVE EATEN SO MUCH FOOD. Got comments back from my advisor re: my thesis proposal. While they were basically what I was expecting, I am literally a breath away from a panic attack right now. If I thought that all my problems were over now that all of my PGDip coursework has been turned in, boy was I wrong.

Cheers, y'all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Assessments: Complete!

All spring assessments are now turned in, and I am one masters thesis away from having another degree!  I got to RELAX today for the first time in ages, and it felt good.  Now I just have to hope that I did reasonably well on everything.

I decided I wanted that flat I saw on Saturday badly enough to take a leap of faith as far as August goes, and made the "I want your room call" today.  And someone had beaten me to it.  I'm really disappointed.  I've seen mice in the kitchen twice in the last two weeks, and I'm pretty sure I saw one in my room the other night, although it was out of the corner of my eye so I'm not 100% certain.  Thank goodness it was shooting out the door rather than in, or I would have gotten no sleep that night.  The sink is full of Vicki and Callum's dishes, two eyes of the stove are occupied by whatever it was they were cooking last night, and there's various detritus on the counter.  And a certain telltale odor is emanating from their room.  Part of me is saying, "It would only take one phone call to the leasing agent to get them in serious trouble, maybe even thrown out," but another part doesn't want to be a tattle-tale.  Oy.  The knowledge that I'm going to be away from this flat for a good bit of May and June is my main consolation at the moment.

In more cheerful news, my mom gets here tomorrow, and my uncle and grandmother get here the day after!  You know you're a grad student when the first thought that pops into your head concerning a visit from family is not, "Oh, it's going to be so good to see them," or, "I can't wait to show them around the city I now call home," but is instead, "I AM GOING TO EAT SO MUCH FOOD!"

Cheers, y'all.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Assessments: The continuing saga.

Team Dynamics and Peak Performance papers are turned in.  Trying to work on my research proposal now.  By the way, I HAVE A TITLE!  It shall be revealed in due course.

It is very strange to think that there are only two more papers standing between me and a masters degree, and I'm turning one of them in on Monday.

I viewed a flat today.  Hilariously enough, it is in the exact same building as one of the flats I viewed back in August.  And it is PERFECT.  Right next to Holyrood Park, with a view of Arthur's Seat from the bedroom, which is huge and has its own ensuite bathroom.  15-20 minute walk from my school.  4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, rather than the 6-bedroom 2-bathroom monstrosity where I'm living now.  The only snag?  I'd only be able to stay there until late July, because the agency that owns it is letting it out to tourists for the month of August.  I could potentially lease it again from September onwards, but that leaves me with the problem of finding alternate accommodation during the month of August, while the population of Edinburgh is swollen to at least twice its normal size because of the Festival and the Tattoo, while simultaneously trying to finish my thesis.  Not a prospect I relish.  But dammit, I want that flat.  I'm considering just planning to move there in September instead, which will be easier logistically, but that won't solve my problem of wanting to get out of this place, or the girl who showed me the room's problem of needing someone to take over her lease.  And dammit, I WANT THAT FLAT.

Family is coming to visit in less than a week!  I am going to eat so much food!

Finally, Titanic.  100 years ago today.  Requiescat in pace. 

Cheers, y'all.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Assessments: Spring 2012 edition

Due Thursday (i.e. tomorrow): Team Dynamics paper.  4000 words.  Current word count: 1154.

Due next Thursday (the 12th): Peak Performance paper.  4000 words.  Raw materials basically in place, but paper not yet started.

Due the following Monday (the 16th): Research Proposal.  2500 words.  Broad idea in place, still needs considerable refining.  Paper not yet started.

I don't think I shed tears over any assignments last term, but it might happen this time around, because this team dynamics paper is not coming together how I want it to.  It reads like BS, and that is DANGEROUS, because if it reads like BS to me, it will definitely read like BS to the professors.  And there is precious little time left to fix it.  I'm also worried about the research proposal, because that thing matters like nothing else and I haven't done nearly enough reading for it, and I'm also running out of time to rectify that situation.

I look back at my undergrad days, when I routinely wrote papers the day before they were due, and I am astonished.  How on earth did I do it?  But then I realize the difference: While undergrad papers counted for at most 30% of my grade, each of these papers counts for 100% of my mark in their respective classes.  That is not a typo.  I cannot fuck any of these papers up.  AT ALL.

Cheers, y'all.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What goes with snow?

The week of glorious weather is over, and there's snow in the forecast tonight.  And right on cue, the mice have returned with the cold weather.  I just saw one in the kitchen.

Why me?

Cheers, y'all.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sleeping and eating habits.

It's assessment time again, which means my sleeping patterns have gone completely out the window.  Team Dynamics is due this Thursday, Peak Performance is due next Thursday, and my research proposal for the thesis is due the following Monday.

I might also have books to blame for my sleeping irregularities.  I finished Cross Stitch by Diana Gabaldon today, after staying up until 4:30 this morning closing in on the ending.  It's that good - a superb mixture of adventure, historical fiction, and romance, with just a pinch of sci-fi.  And the best part is, it's the first in a series of seven (soon to be eight).  Also, I recently finished my most recent re-read of Katherine by Anya Seton.  So now, for the first time in several months, I am only actively reading one book: The Conquest by Elizabeth Chadwick.

Current to-read list:
A Feast for Crows by George RR Martin
The Courtesan's Lover by Gabrielle Kimm
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
Lady of the English by Elizabeth Chadwick
Post Captain by Patrick O'Brian
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott

I am debating which book to start next.  It'll probably be either Courtesan or Zhivago.  I'd like to get some of the "stand-alone" books I've bought finished first, and then immerse myself in the Song of Ice and Fire series, the Aubrey-Maturin series, and the Outlander series.


Apart from my sleeping habits, my eating habits have also been thrown for a loop recently.  I'm extremely skint (i.e. broke, strapped for cash) right now.  At this precise moment, I have maybe £15 to my name.  My parents are paying off my credit card for my birthday (which was two days ago - happy birthday to me!), but until that payment goes through, I am on eggshells.  My cabinet is thoroughly stocked with rice and soup; otherwise I'd be going hungry.

And now, I really must get down to work.

Cheers, y'all. 

Outer Hebrides and the Hebridean Way

Monday 3 June 2019 Long day of travel - with a hangover - yesterday.  Train from Edinburgh to Glasgow (which was late of course), then a l...