Monday, December 5, 2011

"There at the seaside, fifth of December..."

I was terribly productive today. I got up at 9:15 to go to the Citizens Advice Bureau to get some guidance about my housing situation. The very nice older English lady I spoke to said to notify the leasing agents/landlord about the problem once more, this time in writing and with a date by which I want the problem to be resolved. If it doesn't happen, then the next step is to say, "I want to move out, how can we make this happen in a mutually beneficial manner? I.e., can you release me from my lease/get someone else to take over my lease/let me find someone else to take it over?" I'm not hopeful about the latter two, because there's a bedroom in this flat that's been empty almost the whole time I've been here, and I'm not comfortable with the amount of lying I'd have to do to get someone to move into this shithole. Pulling a runner should be an absolute last resort, because besides forfeiting my deposit and being liable for the rest of the rent that would be owed on my lease (which I figured would be the case), I would also get a default on my credit rating. Maybe not too big a deal if I go back to the US after I finish my degree, but it could cause me serious problems if I want to stay. She also told me to get the pest control guys to show me where they think the mice are coming in the next time they come, and try to do a DIY fix with some duct tape. And if they can't show me where the mice are coming from...perhaps consider another pest control company. Although these guys are the ones the leasing agency does business with, and the landlord foots the bill, so it would be on my dime if I went elsewhere.

ANYWAY. There is snow at the top of Arthur's Seat, and I admired the view from the library for the rest of the day, except for the bit when I went to a little Italian cafe for lunch (an avocado, spinach, and goat cheese ciabatta, with a brownie and ice cream for dessert). I reached the halfway point of Game of Thrones while I ate. The data analysis for the stress paper is finished, and I'm slightly less than halfway done with the write-up which is due Thursday.

I'm feeling a bit better than I did over the weekend. I think the key is to stay busy/productive, and also be in the sun as much as possible. I'm going to start setting an alarm for 9:15 or so, so I'm not sleeping through too much daylight (sunrise is at about 8:30 now) and try to make a point of sitting outside in direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes every day.

Head down, writing papers! The goal is 1000 words a day from here on out until they're all done. Ready, set, go!

Cheers, y'all.

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