Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughts on the election.

I bought a plane ticket a few days ago.  I will officially be a United States resident again as of 12 December, 2012.

The kind of country that I'm going to be returning to will be decided tonight.  I sincerely hope it's one in which Obama is still in charge.  Things have not been a bed of roses for the last four years.  But what most Americans don't seem to understand is that this recession going on is a worldwide one.  The stuff that's going on in some European countries right now is mind-boggling.  Spain's entire 18-24 age bracket is leaving the country en masse, because NONE of them can get jobs.  Greece's economy has been in the shitter for years.  Ireland is talking about reverting back to the pound.  And I'm wondering how long Germany can keep bailing everyone out before they run into trouble, too.

It's a ludicrous situation, and it's ludicrous to expect one man to fix it, especially when he's a Democrat president saddled with a majority-Republican Congress which has actively done everything within its power to block all the measures he's tried to enact.  I'm frankly astonished (and also very grateful) that the healthcare reforms got through, and that DADT was repealed.

If Mittens gets elected, I can say goodbye to my healthcare and reproductive rights inside of a year.  I would bet money on that.  And that alone was enough for him to lose my vote.  But aside from that, if he gets elected, all his friends are going to get elected too, because Mittens has proven himself to be a wishy-washy waffler who does his utmost to pander to the people whose votes he wants, and tailors and adjusts his political positions accordingly.  He's a puppet.  And the guys who are pulling the strings are the ones who are really going to be in charge.  And the US will be run by rich, middle-aged, out-of-touch, conservative white men for at least the next four years.  And that prospect makes my stomach clench.

I've done what it's in my power to do: I cast my absentee ballot and voted for Obama.  Now I just have to sit back and see what happens tonight.

Cheers, y'all.

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